Tuesday 16 June 2009

Whistler, 9th June. (Pt. 3)

Another view from the top.

This guy is called Inukshuck. It's a stone figure that the First Nations Peoples (aboriginies) used in time gone by to warn/inform/alert other groups of nomads to their own presence. People make them on the beaches in Vancouver too - those stones aren't cemented, by the way. They're balanced.

On the other side, over that huuuuuuge valley, is another peak, Blackcomb. There's a cable car which I *could* have gotten between them, but that valley's like, 6100ft deep and I didn't fancy that gamble at the time. D'oh!

This is the view into the valley I just came from. You can't see the village of Whistler because it's behind the main brow of the mountain. The base of the mountain is something like 200ft ASL, I'm 6300ft ASL. That's a lot of feet.

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